my day in emergency

One minute I’m walking the dogs. Next thing, my face is smashed against a concrete step; I tripped. Blood everywhere. Kind passersby calls 911. I’m in an ambulance heading for emerg with a stop to drop off the dogs. Paramedics are dog lovers. Asked me if they could snap a shot of the pups in the ambulance. Sure!  No lights or sirens. I’m not dying. Serious cuts to the face and maybe a head injury. Fourteen stiches and a CT scan to check my skull and brain. There’s nothing broken or bleeding inside. Nurses and doctors are great. Room next to me, there’s a guy swearing and shouting at them. I hear he’s a drug abuser. I try to be extra nice to staff because he’s extra ornery. I’m home with a smashed face. They say men make plans and God laughs. I got in a knife fight. That’s gonna be my story.  


i smell an alberta rat


flying v – the final chapter