amp in my pocket


It may not look like it, but this is a guitar amp, a Fender Mustang Micro. You plug it into your instrument, attach headphones, the kind with a cord, and play. There’s more. The four switches on the side provide a plethora of tones – classic amp characteristics plus effects such as distortion and tremolo. It’s tiny. It fits in your pocket. Am I impressed? You bet. I had a Pavlov’s dog response when I saw a demo on YouTube. I began to salivate and ran out and bought one. Fender didn’t pay me to write this. They got to me through their influencers. Fender and their competitors typically distribute free stuff to content hungry YouTubers. In turn, they spew forth generally positive endorsements. In this case, well deserved.       


my aussie tenor


music and my mother's passing - spotify