truth and reconciliation and music

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When it comes to truth and reconciliation, you can help Indigenous youth at-risk through ArtsCan Circle. Its a great way to support music education for kids. My connection to ArtsCan is through my friend Mike Stevens. He inspired its creation. Mike is the best harmonica player in the world – specialty is bluegrass and blues. He lives in Sarnia, Ontario but it all started when he visited Gander NF 20 years ago, on his way to perform in Europe. He was introduced to some kids who were sniffing gasoline. He played music for them, gave them harmonicas, and vowed to return to give them music lessons. He did, and it resulted two decades of music education for thousands of kids in dozens of Indigenous communities across North America. Mike tells the story in a TedX talk. There’s also a film documentary A Walk in My Dream. You can donate money here or musical instruments here.


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