take my stuff, please

My apologies to the Women In Need Society (WINS), a not for profit organization in Calgary that runs a number of thrift stores. My mea culpa is born of dozens of black plastic bags and laundry baskets filled with stuff dropped off because of my family’s recent move. There were piles – throw out, donate, and keep, and much second guessing. “Will anybody really want this? Put it in the “donate” and let them decide.” I’m sorry to the volunteers if we inspired eye rolling as you pulled out the stuff. I’m not sorry if you put a $1.00 price tag on the nick knack and then made a buck on the deal to support your good work. By the way, we may be moved in, but the unpacking continues, and donating will continue for a while. And I suspect, so will the eye rolling.


my little margie


moving violation