a little bit kinky (friedman)

God bless Kinky Friedman. I hadn’t thought about Kinky for years until recently when I was flipping through discs at a local record store and happened upon his debut album “Sold American.” The cover was a little rough, but the vinyl was great – SOLD. As a kid I remember being impressed with his band’s name - the Texas Jewboys. A Texan with “that” heritage just had to have a sense of humour. He was a bit too country for my taste back then but today, it really hits the spot. His name occasionally pops up in the news like when he ran for governor – placed fourth out of six. He’s also a best selling mystery novelist. Check out his website bio which explains his appeal to “MAGA-hatted Tea Party animals as well as pansexual Marxist vegans.” Googling him also turned up his love of animals; he’s a founder of the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch. What’s not to love?


ghost walk


my little margie