my brush with bob
Bob Saget
Bob Saget was one of my brushes with fame. While attending university in Windsor, Ontario, Canada in the 70s I used to escape to Toronto to hang out with friends. We’d hit the comedy clubs like Yuk Yuks to see up and comers like Howie Mandel and Bob Saget. I loved Bob. He was hilarious and self-deprecating. One time we went to a small club to see him. After his set, to our surprise, he came over to sit with us. I'm sure we told him he was great, and we were there to see him. He was cordial. As he got more famous on the funny video show and Full House, I remember thinking, good for him. He's a nice guy who’s getting rich but, frankly, he was funnier as a stand up. I know his comedy got blue. That’s fine. I'm no prude, and trust me, he was hilarious back in the day too.