Eric Rosenbaum Eric Rosenbaum

moving violation

Moving sucks. That could be the entire blog entry. We sold one house and bought another. I understand that is a privilege few can afford but moving is still a horrible experience. My realtor says moving is the third most stressful event behind divorce and death of a loved one. I agree. For one thing, there was all the stuff to dispose of. We had way too much, including possessions of my long-departed parents and grandparents. As well as filling two industrial garbage bins, we had antiques– two 60s TV sets, a non-working hi-fi and a piano. Nobody wants pianos. There was also a 1940s era gas stove buried in the back of the basement. It now sits in the garage of my new house. I didn’t have the heart to trash it. This move is done. I’d do it again, or I could just stick sharp spikes in my eyes.

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